Don't look up is heavily recommend on Shitflix. DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Merryl Streep, huge huge star-studed cast. This is one of the most star-studed casts Ive ever seen, which grabbed my attention because we know how these pieces of shit work. With it being highly recommended on shitflix and this ridiculous star-studded cast, ensures the max viewers.
It's about a comet headed to Earth. The mocking of humanity in it is pretty intense, even if it is produced for mild humor. But it is fairly accurate with the disgrace society has become by their influence. Included in this film is Mocking of Christ and believers. An obvious "comparison" with Trump, played by Merryl Streep. Mocking of Christ. The usual cesspool of sin and shit.
The title is basically a mocking of us. I dont want to ruin it for people if you want to watch it. Don't look up is akin to Don't wake up.
If you understand preprogramming, this is definitely it. Think they are covering their bases just in case their cyberpandemic doesn't work.
Full court press. They are desperate. Beware. Surely most of us are prepared with necessary supplies. If you are not, please get prepared. We are going into it.
God Bless.
It's just climate change(tm) propaganda. They want us to start remembering climate change(tm) again because the "pandemic" has served its purpose and they're moving onto the next phase.
They've already made this clear to anyone who's been paying attention.