Why would 45 even consider going to GAB after the way Torba has constantly smeared him on many occasions. The latest was his shameful taunting regarding the VAX. eluding that 45 was in some way to blame for injuries. Sickening. And here we go again! Torba cannot help himself! Just like all the lefty media, Hollywood, the Clintons, CEOs of woke companies that have destroyed countless families, etc. 45 lives permanently inside his head.
Why would 45 even consider going to GAB after the way Torba has constantly smeared him on many occasions. The latest was his shameful taunting regarding the VAX. eluding that 45 was in some way to blame for injuries. Sickening. And here we go again! Torba cannot help himself! Just like all the lefty media, Hollywood, the Clintons, CEOs of woke companies that have destroyed countless families, etc. 45 lives permanently inside his head.