Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei has released a CGI video on his official website depicting the assassination of former president Trump.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
No, we're in the scare event
Covid is nothing when you see what comes next.
Sounds dark.
What do you have in mind?
You can make a reasonable guess
Economic collapse (based on some external event)
People starving and turning on each other.
Trying to start a Civil war
A nuclear false flag.
Trump's fake assassination
Whatever comes next, it could only approach with the guiding hand of covid/and the vaccine.
What comes next can be stopped... But people had to basically shit their pants and wake up first.
Bracing for a lot of stink
The vaxx is the true horror show here.... 😒
You aint seen nothing, fren.
Shhhh .. dont blow my cover!