Boy does this image look weird, really weird. Was checking enemy CNN to see how they are conveying the news. The video is about HRC but just shows a red suit coat and next to it just her hair.....wheres HRC? The final image is just '24. These look like such basic comms but maybe way too basic.
The link is to the video of the article. I tried so hard to upload the darn picture!
And then saw that CNN had another article entitled 17 of the comfiest sweaters. Depicting a model with a red sweater.
This might be way too basic for the phenomenal resident expert on decoding symbols u/SempraSupra but would love to get your input!
Never thought I'd see the day where we unironically link to cnn here, haha. Not yet enough for me to truly get a 'the times, they are a changin' type feel.. but maybe a 1st step on that road.
I know its awful to link but it was way too out there. They just show images of coverings of her...her coat and hair. And on a graph....hoping for the best!