What decade were you born?
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So, from your observation, what even triggered the biggest negative change in day to day life?
We enjoyed life but, sadly, ignored politics.
When Obama got elected and I knew he was an imposter and if you remember Oprah Winfrey basically begged him to run for President on her TV show! When he got elected he started turning everything to Communism and changed people's point of view from The United States of America being Christian to Muslim. This started destroying the fabric of Our Christian Nation. People were then led to believe in all Religion will get you to Heaven! He also played a massive part in Our society turning from moralistic Christian values into LBGTQ sick society! Next came Strong Delusion of COVID, Nano Particles in Vaccine, and Vax Pass for lead up to the One World System and Mark of the Beast! That Slug did a fine outstanding job of destroying our United States of America!