Check out his telegram... now he is implicating that DeSantis is a player in child sex trafficing and a RINO. I don't know 🤷♂️. Over the last year his claims seem to get more and more outlandish. To me Lin seems to be just another source of hot air that doesn't ever seem to make it to the baloon and go anywhere. And this just makes me think he is completely nuts.
Either he is a friggin genius or he is a basketcase. I guess time will tell.... as for me, I'm taking a break from him for awhile.
He’s asking some questions that we need to be asking DeSantis about? No harm...just tell us what you are doing to end sex trafficking in FL. We know there are many perverts and pedophiles in FL. I sat on a Grand Jury for six months and I was shocked how many pedophiles there are and not making the news. We now know why they don’t report on this epidemic! But what is our Governors doing about sex trafficking? 600,000 kids a month....that needs answers from every Governor, including DeSantis. Stop putting politicians on a pedestal....ask the hard questions!
That is Lin Wood is asking us to do....ASK AND DEMAND ANSWERS TO THE HARD QUESTIONS!
What are you doing about sex trafficking? Why are you not eliminating these corrupt computer voting systems and going back to paper ballots that are watermarked?