When I saw the first hunger games movie, and how it portrayed the "elite" vs "commoners", it's obvious this was their plan for us. Starve out the people and have them compete for basic necessities. Evil! What was disturbing is how the books and movie gained so much popularity - like how can people not see the underlying message? I guess I've been redpilled a long time but I can see through BS propaganda like this in movies, advertising, news, etc... Humanity as a whole needs a huge wake up call (which they are getting at the moment).
Because people sense the machine they are trapped in, they want to read stories about that. The dystopia is a metaphor for the present day and that is a more interesting and imaginative way to communicate an idea than a lecture without any narrative or fantasy elements. Yes this is also used as programming and trauma-based mind control, but the desire and interest of audiences in a story like Hunger Games is not surprising to me at all. And most people who read that book or watched the movie identified with the work-slave fighting for her family and her freedom, not the elite slave-owners torturing their citizens.
When I saw the first hunger games movie, and how it portrayed the "elite" vs "commoners", it's obvious this was their plan for us. Starve out the people and have them compete for basic necessities. Evil! What was disturbing is how the books and movie gained so much popularity - like how can people not see the underlying message? I guess I've been redpilled a long time but I can see through BS propaganda like this in movies, advertising, news, etc... Humanity as a whole needs a huge wake up call (which they are getting at the moment).
Because people sense the machine they are trapped in, they want to read stories about that. The dystopia is a metaphor for the present day and that is a more interesting and imaginative way to communicate an idea than a lecture without any narrative or fantasy elements. Yes this is also used as programming and trauma-based mind control, but the desire and interest of audiences in a story like Hunger Games is not surprising to me at all. And most people who read that book or watched the movie identified with the work-slave fighting for her family and her freedom, not the elite slave-owners torturing their citizens.