That's a fair point. They could have eaten seals, penguins, lichen. You Still have logistical issues getting there, getting materials there, generating power with 1940s tech etc. I mean if we want to start talking about vril and stuff then cool, but I'm not sure it was nazis that attacked operation high jump. Imo.
I get what you are suggesting, but wireless power was not a common reality until recently.
Also I don't know how much of Teslas patents and ideas made it to the Reich, but keep in mind Tesla was never able to transmit power wirelessly over long distance. You also still have a power generation problem.
That's a fair point. They could have eaten seals, penguins, lichen. You Still have logistical issues getting there, getting materials there, generating power with 1940s tech etc. I mean if we want to start talking about vril and stuff then cool, but I'm not sure it was nazis that attacked operation high jump. Imo.
When was Tesla doing things?
He was alive from 1860s to 1944 I think?
I get what you are suggesting, but wireless power was not a common reality until recently.
Also I don't know how much of Teslas patents and ideas made it to the Reich, but keep in mind Tesla was never able to transmit power wirelessly over long distance. You also still have a power generation problem.