Thank you!! You all have been my outlet when i needed to vent. My humor when I needed a laugh... and my sole source of information. Whether in your posts or the "sauce" you supplied for me to do my own digging. Thanks! Hopefully, this site continues for years to come. A place where personal triumps are shared so we can encourage and grow. God bless. WWG1WGA!
Comments (78)
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Yes, Thank You all for allowing me to be apart of this with you and without this forum I think many of us would have gone crazy.
Thanks Frens ... WWG1WGA 🇺🇸🦅🐸 NCSWIC
Agree, this place has saved my sanity! We will know we have won the war on the First Amendment when we can participate in sites like this with our real names. I look forward to meeting and getting to know some of you genius 'conspiracy theorists' on the other side. WWG1WGA.
Me too! Hope builds hope!
Same but would prefer to keep my handle. I've kinda grown accustomed to it.
It is quite appropriate for the times!
👆 Excellent!! Great idea!!
I think you’re wrong. There’sa lot of ground left to till. Just one man’s opinion. I think this thing is gonna last at least another year if not more before we start seeing real changes. I could be wrong but the sheep still need some harder more obvious knocks. I’m posting from deep behind enemy lines in the commiest of commie commiefornia.
I get it... I really do. But, think about what's happened in the last 30 days. Covid narrative done/dying. Ivermectin on the cusp of being readily available. And a member of the royal family stripped of his military titles AND going to trial. 1 yr ago... any one of these would have been huge! NCSWIC... NOTHING!
I know we're far from being "out of the woods" but, I do think we're at the "reveal"... to the point where all powers involved know there's no going back. That's what can't be stopped. (I. E. NCSWIC=WWG2WGA).
^Yep^. It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...and she's just getting warmed up.
Bro if the fat lady is American we got a lot more fat ladies
Can't argue with ^this^! :-P
Yes I think this is the most down to earth take. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link after all.
People need some truth to make better decisions. These propagandists have mislead us for too long.
I like truth social but melanias Solana platform is being attacked heavily. Big tech has to go as Nunes says. If you disagree you don’t exist.
I’d love to be wrong, but I believe you are correct.
I think you are correct on this as well.
Hopefully all the glowie faggots will find God by the time it's over, or just join with their true leader- Satan.
Lawful Neutral is the most dangerous alignment. Change my mind. Lol
~”All social distancing rules apply”~
I'd say what's happening here, with people pretending like it's over and saying thanks as though it's all over is that you're actually just trying to feel like it's all over.
Not even close to over.
You've been stressed, and are trying to relax and rid yourself of that stress. You want validation of the things you believe in and have been standing firm on, and so we want it to be over.
There is no point in even saying it's over from the unknown until we know it's over.
Tbh we don't know the score, the thing can go on indefinitely not subject to a time frame and since it is not a clearly defined war where we can see who the enemy is and what they are doing we have no idea where we are in this thing.
LOL! I see your 200%, and Raise you another 100% !
Totally agree. Stock market is tanking, the Canadian truckers are shutting down Canadian economy until Trudeau acquiesces, Covid is suddenly ending in many states and countries, the whistleblower docs are finally able to state their facts. I have no doubt all of the various corruption threads are heading to a not-too-distant climax in this movie.
I would have gone insane without this place and all of you!
...And there's a prince going on trial!
Yeah, but most of us are hoping that most of that time (2022-2025) is spent on justice, i. e. tribunals.
Yes!! You're my tribe!!!
Username checks out
☝...and this is what I LOVE about this site!! 95% of everything is checked, double checked and re-checked! I was a member of Migrated because of the negativity. We were all watching election night. We all seen the "dumps". This site didn't fold... it dug in and said "bring it!". F'n beasts... all of you!!
I concur... THANK YOU ALL!!! This is the greatest place to be... it truly gets me thru each day!!! WWG1WGA
Agreed- to all glow fags (that’s you CIA/FBI) Times is ticking away, abandon ship or get sucked down with it.
God Bless the USA WWG1WGA
I am insane... I am proud of my insanity... I have been insane most of my life... I just happen to fit in here quite nicely and have always felt welcomed... My insanity is my strength and always has been... WWG1WGA and NCSWIC... Cheers Anons and fellow Pedes... ☕☕☕
I can’t wait for the itoldyouso memes. It’s been an honor shitposting with you frens.
While my Branch Covidian co workers are crying me and my 2 other pure blood coworkers are gonna be slamming beers right off the canning line.
I CANNOT WAIT for the meltdown that will happen in the Seattle area. Their tears will give me the energy of a thousand suns. Seeing the tech workers, limosuine liberals and socialist scum cry will be magnificent.
Anyone in the greater Seattle area is welcome to party with me when this happens. I got steers to grill and beers to kill. I’ll have NA beverages available for those who don’t drink too.
And if the sheep start rioting and going after the government, media and health officials that lied to them then I got a projector for us to watch the show.
Cheers to u my fren! I'd be there and bring my Keystone Light.
I’ll have Banquet or Rainier no need for Keystone lol.
I'll bring the elusive Tasmanian Wombat! beer commercial ever...This Montanan Loves Rainer...
Rainier for live brother.
Yeah I think they’ll be rioting. I am not gonna complain though if they drag out the Seattle city council and the medical establishment.
Amen to that!
They used to get away w that when the evil deeds done only affected a small group, like patriots in DC or 3,000 people in the twin towers. This plandemic, however, has been a world-stopper. There is NO WAY they can just "move on" from this one.
I appreciate having this place to go to everyday to find like minded Frens out there. I don't know where you all live or who you are but I like knowing you're out there. One of you could live down the street. Anons are everywhere.
This fight could be a long one as some other commenters have said, it's already been easily the biggest psyop to battle through mentally in the last 2 years and I hope we're nearing the end but I'm willing to go the distance with this fight. Anything for our freedom. Anything to bring the dark to light.
If the credits roll with nobody going to prison, then we've been had.
Amen fren. I know just how you feel. Thank you to this community for keeping me informed and hopeful throughout the storm.
I think we have quite a bit of time left in the movie. Regardless of when Christ comes, we’re with you.
We said that this time last year and then Biden got inaugurated so dont hold your breath.
I’m afraid they’re going to make it a trilogy😉
WWG1WGA fren!
I can't wait for this godforsaken movie to be over as well.
Reminder that "The Room" was a movie as well.
Gadianton was the hero of the story.
As in “Gadianton robbers”? I used to be LDS. Just curious if this is a reference to that or something else. And if so, how was he a “hero”?
History is written by the winners.
Totally agree!