posted ago by ZerroDefex ago by ZerroDefex +7 / -0

This is a long listen with a lot of info but it goes off the rails very quickly. As he starts putting together his Unified Theory of Conspiracy (as I put it.) It's a good listen but here's a few reasons I take Boyd's testimony with several grains of salt:

  • He talks about a backdoor in the blockchain but doesn't address that there are multiple blockchains (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc don't all operate on the same chains) so is it just Bitcoin that is compromised or somehow all of them.
  • All this talk about the Jesuits, Khazarians, etc and doesn't even mention Epstein until the very end and only briefly?
  • In his talk about twins and such he brings up the twin of the Titanic but forgets that the Titanic was one of three Olympic-class vessels so not really a twin.
  • All this talk of numerology and mentioning the number 17 several times but ZERO mention of Q at all.
  • He claims that Putin and Trump are working for the Cabal and gets really doomy about Trump.
  • Also this guy is not a very well-known public figure so if what he's saying publicly all true then why hasn't Boyd been Kappy'd already?

So a lot of interesting info but he very well could just be stringing along every conspiracy under the sun without having any real inside info. Make of it what you will: