Hasn't this been known forever? It was opposition research done by a company called Fusion GPS, they were first hired by Republicans running against Trump in the Primaries and then after that funded by a law firm on behalf of the Clinton Campaign.
From 2017
During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.
There was congressional testimony about this in 2017. After Fusion GPS was working for the Democratic Law Firm, they hired the guy who wrote the dossier.
It's been discussed and known but not stated in a court document or official government document. Also it is coming from durham and speaks about they have conflict of interest with the Clinton campaign which entails them formally pressing charges or going to press charges here pretty soon. Also to my knowledge I haven't seen it explicitly stated and black and white like this. For normies and cold hard fact that even democrats can understand. It will shed some truth to the people that don't follow all this stuff as close as we do lol
In 2019 The DOJ Inspector General's report talks about interviewing Christopher Steele
Steele told us that by late July 2016, he had met with Simpson and
an attorney from Perkins Coie, which represented the DNC, and by that time he was aware of the
DNC's role.
The Senate Intelligence Committee released Volume 5 of their report in 2020 stated that Simpson reached to Democrats to off opposition research and this was the setup
The Democratic National Committee (DNC ) and the Hillary for America Campaign( Clinton Campaign ) worked through a law firm , Perkins Coie , to obtain opposition research ,
Hasn't this been known forever? It was opposition research done by a company called Fusion GPS, they were first hired by Republicans running against Trump in the Primaries and then after that funded by a law firm on behalf of the Clinton Campaign.
From 2017 During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.
There was congressional testimony about this in 2017. After Fusion GPS was working for the Democratic Law Firm, they hired the guy who wrote the dossier.
It's been discussed and known but not stated in a court document or official government document. Also it is coming from durham and speaks about they have conflict of interest with the Clinton campaign which entails them formally pressing charges or going to press charges here pretty soon. Also to my knowledge I haven't seen it explicitly stated and black and white like this. For normies and cold hard fact that even democrats can understand. It will shed some truth to the people that don't follow all this stuff as close as we do lol
Multiple official government documents stated this. Q pointed to many of them. See below I don't know what you mean about conflict of interest.
In Drop #566 Q mentioned
2a. ~ 4 years ago Trump declassified the memo https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4387047-House-intelligence-committee-GOP-memo.html
It was the first finding in the memo.
This is also mentioned in Durham's earlier indictment(s), definitely in the Danchecnko and probably the Sussman.