Just spitballing here, I saw this on voat and it got me thinking.
If 45% of molesting is by gays, which comprise 2% of the population...
then 55% is coming from non-gays?
wouldn't it be more likely that 4% or more... 6%? are "closeted" and are the ones filling out the remainder?
Sodomites. 4-6%
Gays are by definition a high risk life-style marked by hyper-sexual activity and having many encounters each year. This is why the real purpose of gay marriage was really a poison injected in the heart of the natural family. It broke what was held to be natural and inspired by God and upheld by government into something that is rotten and benefits lawyers and divorce courts. Having multiple encounters is contrary to the very meaning of marriage. Hyper-sexual activity also extends into pedophilia, in which is a real problem in that community.
youtube seems to know... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSkoGTrYiG0 just recommended to me.
Neat channel, thanks for link.