OK, OK, Anon, stop, already, my sides! TOP NATO POWER FALLS in 12 hours... AHAHAHA
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The police could deploy literally every officer in the country and they'd be out numbered. Their only way to maintain order is to defend the protesters.
Ottawa will have ~2 tow trucks that can pull a rig. If there's 50,000 rigs, they'll have it cleared in oh... just under 3 years if the tow truck drivers never sleep or take time off.
Any towing company that shows up, would never get a job again from a trucker. I would think towing companies would just be smart to tell the cops that they have no equipment available.
A tow driver isn't going to endanger themselves or their equipment, my buddies dad did repos and if the owner is near they aren't touching it and that's for a car. Try it with a rig, it's not a 5 minute procedure to get one hooked up. They're also not going to be able to maneuver those in streets like this.
Good point. I was thinking about the towing. No way to get them out. Not to mention, they brought enough with them to build a small city.