Oh shit, oh shit, oh SHITTTTT!!! 👀👀
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Stop thinking of parties as a thing. There are a few good people on both sides… there are also a ton of horrible people on both sides. The only difference is the dems don’t apologize for it
This! Our side SUCKS and I can’t stand them even more than the dems b/c at least the dems are honest about who they are and what their agenda is. We can spot them from a mile away. Our side has been throwing us under the bus and acting like they’re completely innocent and on the moral high ground for decades. They’re a bunch of freaking Judases!!
Our side (RINOS) know exactly what they’re doing. It is their plan keep the Republicans Patriots from succeeding. They are actually Democrats that have INFILTRATED the Republican party.
Exactly! They did a masterful job of it too. Hopefully enough people have woken up/are waking up so that we can start flushing them out!
They always need money to fight the democrat agenda while they wine and dine with them
She was unseated by island flippin' Hank Johnson. That tells me all I need to know.
Fucking retard. A military presence on an island can cause or to flip over because some humans are standing on it?
Oh but he's sick! Then maybe he shouldn't be in a position of power..
EXCEPTIONALLY few democrats. (I’ve been non-affiliated with ANY party for years)