They took an oath to their pension, to protect and serve their department under the blue line flag.
They are scared cowards role playing the GWOT, but with better ROE and a disarmed population. They kill with impunity.
Even worse, they are sometimes combat veterans who know what it's like to occupy a country. But love the power trip. Fuck them.
They will be the ones dragging you from your home for refusing the vaccine. They will be the ones who shoot your wife and kids for a firearm or firearm configuration deemed "illegal". Fuck them.
They don't care.
They took an oath to their pension, to protect and serve their department under the blue line flag.
They are scared cowards role playing the GWOT, but with better ROE and a disarmed population. They kill with impunity.
Even worse, they are sometimes combat veterans who know what it's like to occupy a country. But love the power trip. Fuck them.
They will be the ones dragging you from your home for refusing the vaccine. They will be the ones who shoot your wife and kids for a firearm or firearm configuration deemed "illegal". Fuck them.