posted ago by PolishBaldEagle ago by PolishBaldEagle +56 / -0

Not sure if any of you guys remembered a post I stickied last week. Heck I’m not sure you remember what was sticky 2 days ago 😂😂

So, given the benefit of doubt, I’ll fill you in what was stickied last week and why it correlates with the trucker movement.

A post regarding HAM radios https://greatawakening.win/p/141FOhGZPc/any-cb-radio-fags-here-itd-be-ni/

Why is this important and how does it correlate with how effective the trucker movement is??

COMMUNICATION!!!! And not by social media, not by text, not by any means where your comms depend on a cellular device, some internet, and a sleezy Twitter account.

GOOD OL FASHIONED OVER AIR COMMS!! Uncensored by any big tech, uninterrupted, and unbiased to say the least!

Do you really think all the truckers have each other’s numbers?? No! Nor do they need it! The radio comms are effective because it reassures everyone to HOLD THE FUCKIN LINE!!! PUSH FORWARD!! FOOT BY FOOT, INCH BY INCH!!

I can bet anything that these radios play a HUUUUGE role in the effectiveness of his mobile!!

Don’t underestimate the powers of a HAM radio!!!! What else will there be when blackout occures? Can’t tweet without internet, can’t call with a jammed or down cell tower, but comms analog comms will always exist

Beta: MY TWEETS REACH MILLIONS! AND YOU?? Chad: My HAM reaches thousands… of whom are actually listening