posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +29 / -0

After yesterday's post, I think I'm gonna make an effort to try and decode a topic/symbol each day so people can start understanding how the Cabal speak to one another.

Let's start off with the topic of Shooting Stars.

So, what is a star?

Well, it's a lot of hot gas burning brightly in the sky through nuclear fusion, right?

But what is gas? What is hot? Nuclear fusion? Explosions?

Okay, let's start with some small decodes and work outwards, otherwise we'll be working in circles.

Matter comes in three (or four, or more) forms. Typically, we're talking solid, liquid and gas. Plasma and beyond we can save for another time.

These represent the form of a subject matter.

So, if water = information, then solid water (ice) is water that is hard information. It's stable and reliable and will melt if it gets too hot (too much attention). Because it is currently too cold (too little attention) it can't move easily in the public sphere. It's good info, but it's not easy to disseminate to the public. To put it another way, it's old info, but still usable.

Liquid water, however, is ready to go. It flows easy and can be put through a pipe (networks) and delivered via tap (media).

But stars are gas, so what about gas?

Gas is hard to contain. It does its own thing and fills the voids of any container it is in. It's far more easily moved by the wind and most gas is transparent. In other words, it's information that is unreliable, hard to contain, can sometimes explode, and sometimes makes a smell (leaves a trace you can follow).

Gas is not great for the Cabal, as it's hard to plan around.

But stars are made of gas, right?

Yeah, think Hollywood Stars; they won't shut their mouths. They breathe a lot of hot air (gas) and sometimes "explode." If they breathe too much hot air, they start to leave a "carbon footprint" that can be followed back to a source. Carbon refers to dirty information, by the way. It's the fuel (blackmail ready to burn) they ignite to run their globalist world.

Anyway, back to stars. Stars are what you see in the sky at night and you can only see a big one during the day. They draw all your attention and it's hard to avoid seeing them. Stare too long, and you'll go blind. Sailors roam the waters (information) to track stars and see where their ships are headed. So, we can establish that every Hollywood Star is always sending a message with their every action for the "sailors" to follow. Sailors would be traders, investors, gamblers etc.

They are the figures of the firmament, and constantly represent happenings in the world. For example, they used Tom Brady to represent Trump during his Presidency.

What is a shooting star then?

Well, look to Disney. "When You Wish Upon a Star"

When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream

No request is too extreme

When you wish upon a star

As dreamers do

Fate is kind

She brings to those who love

The sweet fulfillment of

Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue

Fate steps in and sees you through

When you wish upon a star

Your dreams come true

So, when you wish upon a star you basically get whatever you want.

Which would indicate a shooting star is something you can wish upon such that you can get anything you want.

A shooting star, a star falling, is one that gets you anything.

If you catch them doing stuff a star shouldn't be doing (risky behavior like altering the message they've been instructed to send), you can exchange it for whatever you want.

Let's put it together, with a little less pomp:

If you catch a star stepping out of line, you own their bitch ass, and you'll get anything you want. It's incentive offered to make sure the stars do their job.

So, whenever you see an organization with a shooting star motif, consider them the "shooting star hunters" -- which is to say they are the ones who hunt for shooting stars in order to accumulate blackmail. The stars are already working for them, but the star hunters must be vigilant to make sure no stars go shooting off, or even supernova, and reveal the hidden networks of the global elite.

Taking it further, NASA is the premier monitor of celebrities and politicians. They snoop on all of them constantly to make sure they are sending the right messages and don't try and alter the instructions. If they spot a slip up, a shooting star, they will punish them for stepping out of line. Anyone who spots a shooting star and reports it to NASA will get commendations in exchange for their vigilance.

It's a machine, and they can't have any gears slipping. Eyes everywhere.