DAS WHAT IM SAYIN!!! The whole thing is so meticulously prepped and organized, and there has been NO pantyfa bullshit or any other bullshit for almost 2 weeks, and I don't know if civvies really know how to peacekeep like military do.
we don't know what's in those trucks. we don't know who is driving them all. Alls Im sayin is my tinfoil gets hot whenever I think about it.
Our friends in Antifa are cowards. They will not show up with this many Patriots around. They only show up to bully weak individuals, or when there is little to no resistance. Since Justin ran, they know that they are not protected.
DAS WHAT IM SAYIN!!! The whole thing is so meticulously prepped and organized, and there has been NO pantyfa bullshit or any other bullshit for almost 2 weeks, and I don't know if civvies really know how to peacekeep like military do.
we don't know what's in those trucks. we don't know who is driving them all. Alls Im sayin is my tinfoil gets hot whenever I think about it.
It also explains why BLM/PANTIFA were allowed to run amok: selective prosecution.
It's effectively career suicide to bring charges against these guys.
Our friends in Antifa are cowards. They will not show up with this many Patriots around. They only show up to bully weak individuals, or when there is little to no resistance. Since Justin ran, they know that they are not protected.
I totally agree, way too smooth and organized for a rag tag group of truckers. Almost like military precision. BTW, hot tinfoil comment is hilarious.