A scenario that is just as likely is that the plan is to keep on printing fiat money so that the high inflation will wake people up to the scam. People will then finally start to realize that a decentralized deflationary currency (like Bitcoin) is a whole lot better.
And then we can have a relatively smooth transfer from the old money to the new money without any catastrophic shocks to the worldwide economy.
None of us knows the future as fact. We can only make predictions.
I've made mine. To elaborate upon it, there are two possibilities: crash up (hyperinflation followed by loss of confidence in the currency) or crash down (rates hike and true price discovery returns like the bright light at closing time).
I'm all ears if you believe there's a third option.
The option you've describe is "crash up." I invite you to read up on historical crashes up. They're not "relatively smooth." We're in for a world of economic shit here, and that can never be avoided.
HOW are we going to go back to gold and silver? Will the white hats crash the world economy and is everyone without gold and silver just a sucker in their eyes that is paying the price for their stupidity?
Oh, Nostradamus said it then it definitely will happen. You sir are an intellectual heavyweight.
This is NOT what the Q-plan is about. They do not have the goal of crashing the entire global economy and then say "well you should have bought gold".
It absolutely is the plan.
The crash isn’t caused by Q. It is caused by printing fiat dollars unbacked by metals since 1913.
There’s no way to avoid the crash. The only thing that could be done was to ensure it happens on Biden’s watch.
Make no mistake, a fantastic historical crash is coming.
You don't know this as a fact.
A scenario that is just as likely is that the plan is to keep on printing fiat money so that the high inflation will wake people up to the scam. People will then finally start to realize that a decentralized deflationary currency (like Bitcoin) is a whole lot better.
And then we can have a relatively smooth transfer from the old money to the new money without any catastrophic shocks to the worldwide economy.
None of us knows the future as fact. We can only make predictions.
I've made mine. To elaborate upon it, there are two possibilities: crash up (hyperinflation followed by loss of confidence in the currency) or crash down (rates hike and true price discovery returns like the bright light at closing time).
I'm all ears if you believe there's a third option.
The option you've describe is "crash up." I invite you to read up on historical crashes up. They're not "relatively smooth." We're in for a world of economic shit here, and that can never be avoided.
"What do you think is going to happen? Wake up!"
What a useless response. Why don't you tell me exactly what's going to happen since you seem to know this very well.
HOW are we going to go back to gold and silver? Will the white hats crash the world economy and is everyone without gold and silver just a sucker in their eyes that is paying the price for their stupidity?
Oh, Nostradamus said it then it definitely will happen. You sir are an intellectual heavyweight.
EvEn NoStRaDaMuS kNeW
This dumb fuck watches the fake History Channel. Get a load of this fish brain.
Yeah literally every time there is a market crash in history "all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt". That's what a market crash is dumb dumb.