What happens when HRC is tied to WEF / CIA / Kabal?
She was recruited by Kissinger and Rockefeller directly - she and Bubba were an arranged marriage out of clllege for the pickle factory
Oklahoma City? The FBI moved all of the DOJ evidence on the Clintons from Mena / Little Rock to the Murrah Building - then the CIA had McVeigh who was a sheep-dipped PATCON agent do the patsy thing. That’s how bad they wanted that evidence gone.
G HW Bush was running rhe CIA w William Casey & ran Op after Op. Bill was appointed to Arkansas Gov along w William Weld as State AG so the CIA could traffic in massive amounts of Cocaine and Segway it across the country. More specifically to run a Giant Crackpipe through LA and absolutely obliterate dark skinned demographics as these actually racist shits wanted.
the Clintons have done an insane amount of damage. Just remember the Bush vs Clinton Crime Family is real.
What happens when HRC is tied to WEF / CIA / Kabal?
She was recruited by Kissinger and Rockefeller directly - she and Bubba were an arranged marriage out of clllege for the pickle factory
Oklahoma City? The FBI moved all of the DOJ evidence on the Clintons from Mena / Little Rock to the Murrah Building - then the CIA had McVeigh who was a sheep-dipped PATCON agent do the patsy thing. That’s how bad they wanted that evidence gone.
G HW Bush was running rhe CIA w William Casey & ran Op after Op. Bill was appointed to Arkansas Gov along w William Weld as State AG so the CIA could traffic in massive amounts of Cocaine and Segway it across the country. More specifically to run a Giant Crackpipe through LA and absolutely obliterate dark skinned demographics as these actually racist shits wanted.
the Clintons have done an insane amount of damage. Just remember the Bush vs Clinton Crime Family is real.
Summed up perfectly.