625 New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered Māori leaders to STOP using the traditional Hakka, because it was having a very powerful effect of turning citizens against her. This was their response: (media.gab.com) H A K K A ! posted 2 years ago by undine53 2 years ago by undine53 +625 / -0 Your browser does not support videos. 188 comments share 188 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I read that the British could never fully conquer the Maori.
I guess this is the reason why...
If I saw people doing toward me what's in that video, I would get the hell out of the country.
The natives... are restless.
The entire world is restless. Should be a fascinating year!
😂😂 same, these are people I wouldn’t wanna fuck with
Looks like the small guys are 220. I don’t think those cops would hold that line very long
Wow. I'd hate to have them pissed at me.
There's only about 5 million people in beautiful New Zealand. That's how the deep state and the dick chick could take it over so easily.
The soul and strength of the nationals and Maoris will crush the Deep State.
Ok, they do not look like a group I want to go up against. Māori be pedes now…..