SILVER. TONS OF SILVER If I had gold, ide sell it all now and buy myself more silver.
DWAC CFVI GME THETA: gonna be huge someday BITCOIN: they say its gonna be over a million a coin this decade. Do the math.
SILVER. TONS OF SILVER If I had gold, ide sell it all now and buy myself more silver.
DWAC CFVI GME THETA: gonna be huge someday BITCOIN: they say its gonna be over a million a coin this decade. Do the math.
Doesn’t seem very God loving of you!
Another shill who doesn’t like what someone has to say so they lash out
No one on this site is ‘awake’ y’all just come here to share some opinion and then when someone disagrees you get all butthurt.
GAW is now GARbage!!
God loving my ass lol you love yourself and your ‘financial assets’ which is where EVIL STEMS FROM!!!
You dont know me. Handshake troll. Go away.