The key to getting normies to wake up is that the Vax-Pass is individualized.
You wave your cell phone over the scanner, and every business looks you up in a database somewhere. A database somewhere and you have no idea where or who runs it, or what the rules are.
Now, if you let the vax-pass become universal, then whoever can modify that database can freeze you out of society instantly. No cost to them. No recourse. You don't even know who to talk to about it.
Your Constitutional rights haven't been violated because you aren't arrested or in any way punished directly by the government.
It is all private companies that are shutting you out of society.
This is an extreme dystopia and we are right on the brink of it, and hardly anybody realizes it.
The key to getting normies to wake up is that the Vax-Pass is individualized.
You wave your cell phone over the scanner, and every business looks you up in a database somewhere. A database somewhere and you have no idea where or who runs it, or what the rules are.
Now, if you let the vax-pass become universal, then whoever can modify that database can freeze you out of society instantly. No cost to them. No recourse. You don't even know who to talk to about it.
Your Constitutional rights haven't been violated because you aren't arrested or in any way punished directly by the government.
It is all private companies that are shutting you out of society.
This is an extreme dystopia and we are right on the brink of it, and hardly anybody realizes it.
Not a conspiracy, tootsie!
*not a theory. It most certainly is a conspiracy.