posted ago by TrumpTrollMaster ago by TrumpTrollMaster +31 / -1

Ukraine is a shit-hole.

Despite having 30 years of freedom, they did nothing with it. The CIA planted a bunch of corrupt Nazis (Svoboda political party literally means Socialist-Nationalist, much like Nationalist-Socialists from which HItler got the word NAZI) in power. These Nazis were killing Jews, Russians, gypsies, migrants, and anyone non-Ukrainian.

The corruption reaches high levels of government - You can't get anything done in Ukraine without some sort of insane or stupid bribery. The entire country is founded on anti-Russian education and refuses to change. They export all of their high quality goods to Europe and China and keep all the shits for their own citizens in their grocery store.

Putin is LITERALLY de-weeding his lawn, and the US and the rest of the world is crying about it. Thankfully, Putin had the foresight of making China pay the bills on this war.

This entire war is a farce - China and Biden are all a part of it. The only good guy in this equation?


Fuck Ukraine.