One of my friends at Uni was a gen ed major. Homework in her classes included coloring books -- no joke. And she thought her program was "difficult". Oof.
Then again, the Honors College at my Uni was trying to get us all to agree that America as a melting pot was an out-dated metaphor that would be most aptly changed to a "mosaic". Because American values = evil, and we all must have a group to which we identify. Gimme a break. (BTW, I dropped that class so fast and filed a complaint against that teacher -- and won).
Another instructor I had for an Asian-American lit course actively taught us that plagiarism would get us better grades and that White Man Bad. I spent the entire semester writing satirical papers full of sarcasm, to which the teacher never caught on. Some of my best work came from that class...
One of my friends at Uni was a gen ed major. Homework in her classes included coloring books -- no joke. And she thought her program was "difficult". Oof.
Then again, the Honors College at my Uni was trying to get us all to agree that America as a melting pot was an out-dated metaphor that would be most aptly changed to a "mosaic". Because American values = evil, and we all must have a group to which we identify. Gimme a break. (BTW, I dropped that class so fast and filed a complaint against that teacher -- and won).
Another instructor I had for an Asian-American lit course actively taught us that plagiarism would get us better grades and that White Man Bad. I spent the entire semester writing satirical papers full of sarcasm, to which the teacher never caught on. Some of my best work came from that class...
Degrees do NOT equal expert, long story short.