There is a psyop going on here at GA. Have you heard the word "Khazarian" lately?
It's the fancy new word being used to describe Putin's foe in Ukraine.
If you search using custom date range on google, between February 1st 2021 to Feb. 1 2022, you'll see the term was used a grand total of 11 times, and most of those are from the same thread.
After February 1st, 2022, there are 1150 pages with the word Khazarian.
Why the sudden influx of using this term?
West Ukraine is filled with Nazis. Actual Nazis. We've been discussing this ever since Putin started his targeted attacks against Ukraine.
Here's a little sauce on that.
Above, the Guardian does a piece on the "brave women" fighting for Ukraine. If you scroll down, the 4th image down has a woman standing in front of a van with 1488 painted on the side. The 14 = the Nazi 14 words, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". The 88 = gematrial HH, or Heil Hitler.
Below is a video from shortly after the coup in 2014, where Nazis took over Kyiv.
I queued the video where the Nazis are marching through the streets, some wearing Waffen SS Nazi armbands.
Western Ukraine declared a holiday for Nazi "war hero" Stepan Bandera.
So we all recognize that Putin is fighting against the Nazis in West Ukraine. This created a dilemma for the small but vocal group who frequents GA and loves to blame Jews for everything.
These Western Ukrainians Nazis are their ideological counterparts. It makes it difficult for them to even participate in discussion involving Ukraine.
So they are rebranding the Nazis of Western Ukraine as "Khazarian". Why? Because the Khazarians were jews. This way, they get to speak badly of the Western Ukrainian Nazis without besmirching their precious Hitler, whom they still hold dear to their heart.
Hitler sympathizers here at GA don't like you hating on Nazis of Western Ukraine, so they rebranded the Nazis of Western Ukraine to "Khazarian", which is a synonym for Jews.
Ukraine is part of modern day Khazaria, and even has one of their ancient symbols on their flag. Perhaps this is the real reason there has been an uptick in people talking about it. If you look into their history, you'd see Khazarians are not actually Jews by blood, but instead converted to Judaism around the 8th century. For a conspiracy sub, I'd expect there to be more knowledge on their mafia. They are not the Israelites from the Bible, they are the fake Jews following the Synagogues of Satan that we've been warned about from Revelations 2:9 and 3:9. And talking about them does not make someone a Hitler sympathizer. That's just ridiculous.
You're painting with a pretty broad brush. By your logic, the people that call the MAGA crowd Nazis are also correct, because some Nazis also carry Trump flags. Which is ridiculous as well, but here you are doing the same thing.
So now you're saying that anyone who talks about the Khazarians also celebrates Bandera? Is that your version of a proper analogy? Try reading all that again, but more slowly this time. Maybe sound it out loud if it helps.