Khazarians inhabited Ukraine and Baltic land until they were exiled by Orthodox Russians for being Satan worshippers. The relatively small population dispersed across Europe, blending in to every culture and religion along the way. They set up central banks, secret societies and control structures amongst themselves. They are responsible for the Crusades and the Knights Templar, The Free Masons and the protocols of Zion. Gates, Rothschilds, Payseurs, Kochs, and all of the other “bloodlines” families are likely Khazarian bloodlines. They intend to take retribution and have been planning it for centuries. The conflict is hundreds of years old and the Khazarians want their land back. It is also a religious war, Satan v Christ. Khazarians are SATANIC, so they have NO RELIGION. They blend in to whatever suits them best and hiding behind Jewish surnames is currently an easy way to deflect negative attention, which is what the shills on here are trying to do. Go watch the “Fall of Cabal” series on bitchute. Crude production quality, but all of the information is cited with sources and any mistakes are corrected, also with cited information.
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Sounds like something a liberal shill would say. "Agree with me or else!"
If they are not real jews then why havent "real" jews ever, even just once, called them out for it? Theres a cardinal openly talking about nwo plans etc, another cardinal who was seen yelling "heritic!" at the pope in public.
But not a peep from the jews. Never has been, never will be. Why is that?
Israel for last...
You have no idea how many people are Jews that are busy exposing them and are on this very post. You have no idea how many Jews abhor Zionists, don't assume. I was raised Jewish, dad christian, easter and Christmas we're my only exposures besides cousins catholic masses... I didn't find any connection to spirituality in these exposures just shame and judgment all the things Christ teaches the opposite of. Now I have been saved by Christ Christ is my Lord and savior. I live with forgiveness in my heart and I seek to serve and I seek to provide compassion and love and acceptance and I have witnessed more miracles than I could count just tonight I witness multiple miracle healing at my church's men's retreat with 3,000 lions all bringing about the new Earth. But when I was identifying as Jewish I absolutely was disgusted by zionists... So if I'm an exception to your absolute then there are many many others I've met many of them, I know infinitely more anti zionists Jews and maybe this is just my experience but I doubt it's unique.
Those that are "busy exposing them" are millionaire grifters. Alex Jones 2.0.
Every religion has taken a shot at world domination. Why is it so hard to believe we are witnessing the jews attempt at it? Because they are not firing the weapons directly?