Khazarians inhabited Ukraine and Baltic land until they were exiled by Orthodox Russians for being Satan worshippers. The relatively small population dispersed across Europe, blending in to every culture and religion along the way. They set up central banks, secret societies and control structures amongst themselves. They are responsible for the Crusades and the Knights Templar, The Free Masons and the protocols of Zion. Gates, Rothschilds, Payseurs, Kochs, and all of the other “bloodlines” families are likely Khazarian bloodlines. They intend to take retribution and have been planning it for centuries. The conflict is hundreds of years old and the Khazarians want their land back. It is also a religious war, Satan v Christ. Khazarians are SATANIC, so they have NO RELIGION. They blend in to whatever suits them best and hiding behind Jewish surnames is currently an easy way to deflect negative attention, which is what the shills on here are trying to do. Go watch the “Fall of Cabal” series on bitchute. Crude production quality, but all of the information is cited with sources and any mistakes are corrected, also with cited information.
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Sounds like something a liberal shill would say. "Agree with me or else!"
If they are not real jews then why havent "real" jews ever, even just once, called them out for it? Theres a cardinal openly talking about nwo plans etc, another cardinal who was seen yelling "heritic!" at the pope in public.
But not a peep from the jews. Never has been, never will be. Why is that?
Israel for last...
No, it is just the reality lol. Israel and Khazarians are different. You are free to have your opinion on both. But Israelis are Jewish and believe in god, Khazarians are Satanic and worship Lucifer.
Then why do isreali jews allow pedophilia? They have many many clauses allowing the rape of children. They even detail that if the child is under the age of 9 then you are free of guilt or responsibility. That sounds pretty satanic to me.
All the bankers, lawyers, slave traders and child traffickers are jewish. No way they are all khazars. Jews owned the original slave trade, that developed into the first banking systems with a universal coin. Etc etc, anything to do with money they are involved in. Those were real jews that did that and are today.
You'll find that many claim to be Christian as well, as this is what the Protocols call for; for the Zionists to infiltrate all manner of institutions, even "converting" to various orthodox forms of Christianity in order to blend in while pursuing anti-Christian aims. It's evil genius. You could take an organization like the Masons, most of whom are just regular people that want to help, and now you have a front for some of the sickest stuff humans can carry theory, that is.
The Masons are practicing kabbalists they (lower levels) just don't realize it all of the protocols are mirrored from kabbalism.