This doesn't comport to the reality that the Holy Bible is in a place of honor in nearly all lodges. Doesn't seem like mockery, or mirroring, whatever that meand.
Why have a bible in your home if it's not a church?
Why is it not the other way, Catholic priests infiltrating Freemasonry?
This business about serving two masters is nonsense. The verse in Matthew was referring to the acquisition of wealth. It has nothing to do with meeting up with like-minded fellows and having supper. How would that prevent one from serving Christ?
This doesn't comport to the reality that the Holy Bible is in a place of honor in nearly all lodges. Doesn't seem like mockery, or mirroring, whatever that meand.
Why have a bible in your home if it's not a church?
Why is it not the other way, Catholic priests infiltrating Freemasonry?
This business about serving two masters is nonsense. The verse in Matthew was referring to the acquisition of wealth. It has nothing to do with meeting up with like-minded fellows and having supper. How would that prevent one from serving Christ?