US support of violent neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation...You 117% need to watch this...
If nothing else, watch the first 12 minutes.
DO IT..!!
Cabal History

Sounds like "storm clouds gathering"
It is. Havent listened to him in a while.
Here, have an updoot for laughs fren.
I worked on the phones for 13 years in finances. Sometimes people sounded like they had the entire bottom half of the phone in their mouth.
"narrator is deep throating the mic." ??? If you have an opinion please do express it.
He asked you TO express it lol
have to realize with a lot of these stealth accounts, english isn't a first language
Also a lot of people are fucking illiterate.
It’s like some people never took English. Still love em though.
You didn't deserve the downvotes. I had to visit just to check out the deepthroating, had a good kek
IMO felt less like he was deep-throating the microphone than sitting in a empty dumpster with it.
I'm going to finish it because it's at least clear to make out what's being said.
Big mike likes a good deep throat.
Excellent find Anon!
I'm shocked this has been up on YouTube since 2014. I'm downloading a copy in case the content police take it down.
It's their bogus confidence in acting innocent.
Wow first 12 mins....Kiev footage...looks exactly like Antifa O_O. Tactics and all......Is this maybe an "Eyes on" thing???? Did we have Ukranian foreigns teaching the "Non Leaders" Of BLM, And Antifa??? Legit asking, not shit talking.
Color revolution first tried there, repeated here.
not the first. Philippians purple revolution in 86?
The Soros anarchist/tiki torch nazi trope was beta tested in Ukraine. Where do you think the use of the word "Front" came from? Not from conservatives. "Patriot Front" aka "US iteration of Svoboda/Ukraine Nazis" funded by the State Dept. aka CIA.
^^^This makes tons of sense thank you!!!! I dug into this when all that was habbening here in the USA with the "very nice people on both sides" group. I surface level saw it was a LARP and never "tucked into it" so to speak. I went hard core dig into holistic medicine, and Energy healing and stuff :D
There was a post the other day pointing out Ukrainians at j6.
I remember watching this back then and the additional information that Oliver Stone released along with Jason....
For a better understanding of how the USA did this through ‘The Maidan Revolution’ of 2014..... research the HRC state department policy of ‘Civil Society 2.0’ .....
Once you have read that you can see more clearly how they are now doing the same thing in the USA.... Using the Civil Society 2.0 templates...
Or try her stooge in this Alec Ross..... he did some talks on how they did it.... not just in Ukraine but in countries across the world....!
As well as the first 12 mins being important, I found the whole thing important! Especially the end segment, think it was from RT and titled "Truth seeker" where they directly point out not just USAID, but NGO's like MSF and a whole host of others being infiltrated by the clowns and used n the ground first to stir up trouble. It really is an up is down and left is right world we have lived in for a long long time!
That's a symbol.
The Resident Evil umbrella was used in Wuhan -- I recall seeing it somewhere.
Now here's what the fan wiki says about the Umbrella Corporation of Resident Evil:
Well, well, well.
Here's the plot.
We really are watching a movie.
Let's change the ending -- bankruptcy is not good enough.
Some types of evil require purification by fire.
Yes the Wuhan lab had the umbrella corporation logo on it. I remember early 2020 when the alt channels were talking about how similar it was. 🍿
And of course the making of the virus and it’s antidote which fits Covid 19 narrative as well.
I’m wondering WHO those corp executive megalomaniacs were? Still out there probably. Very freakin scary.
Same thing here
Need to archive this, and upload it to rumble for sharing
Provides great background info. Thanks for posting. Recommend others to also watch the first 12 minutes if not the whole thing.
Just met a Ukrainian lady working checking at a hotel. Blue and yellow ribbons, asked her about it and she told me how bad it was. When I asked if she talked to anyone there she said No. I asked if rhe phones were cut off and she said no, all my family is here. She only had what the news is pushing. Personally is totally unaffected. Her family must have hated it enough to quit living there to move here. It was strange. I just shrugged.
Probably just interested in the attention she gets.
we used to call these people "attention whores"
Too bad the "nazi" nomenclature and facade is being attached to these communist operatives. It's such a shame to see the continuing obfuscation and blending of actual history to the point that NO ONE knows what's what anymore or has a grasp on true history. Truly fucking disgusting.
Well people need to watch Europa the last battle but sadly most won’t watch it and on the Donald if you mention it you are called a Nazi faggot
I'll leave a link here for those interested: https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/hmv3AI5oVvJm/
They need to read "MADE IN RUSSIA: The Holocaust" as well. That book is being burned ultra fast right now it seems and all major and most minor carriers now no longer have it and that's within the last few months.
FYI - 2 Bitchute Mirrors:
US support of violent neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Video Compilation
Thank you. I have added it to my list.
Very cool Pede. 😎
Is there a link to video somewhere in here? Or do I just need to search for title on YT. Also should this be saved off, or archived?
Update: Never mind, I now see your link.
Putin is preventing another virus leak is my wild theory, y’all peep as soon as Bill Gates said “there’s going to be another pandemic” Putin “invades” Ukraine.
What ever the fuck is happening in Ukraine isn’t good for Biden and the deep state that’s for sure, I know nobody that’s even mentioned what’s going on. People are too worried about getting fucked at the gas station.
Need a Bichute/Rumble version of this in case it gets removed
Someone else (above) gets creds;
Last cabinet was supporting domestic neonazis, now this one supports foreign neonazis... JFC, can we stop supporting nazis for one second? We fought a world war over this shit!
Thanks patriot we appreciate the hard work.
This lines up with the information in the Vigano essay:
Man No Name was a dirtbag traitor
Very interesting and useful. Nothing new on channel. Odd that the newest video is 7 months old.
A little help Pedes. The only video I’m finding is 10 minutes long. So I’m not sure what video to watch with the first 12 minutes? Any help frens would be awesome
Why didn't you click on the link I provided...
I couldn’t get it to open. Thanks so much for that one. That opened. Might have been a technical problem on my end. It was really weird. Thanks so much
Who was Nuland talking to?
Well ain't that some s***
Heck YEAH!!!