posted ago by farpointpatriot ago by farpointpatriot +171 / -0

Ignore Oil for one second … Last night in London the market price for Nickle went vertical. They had to halt trading and have suspended it for several days

Russia is the THIRD largest producer of nickel. Nickel is essential to making stainless steel, batteries and ironically electric vehicles. Russia is getting 4x what they were getting last year this time.

Biden crushed US OIL production, didn't do shit about Russia ‘invasion’, then cut off Russian oil. Oil shoots up to $150 a barrel. Guess what, Russia was getting about $60 for their Oil to Europe, who by the way completely relies on Russia 100%. Russia can now produce LESS oil and still make MORE money. China and India will buy their Nickel and move it on the international markets. Oh … about that, guess who owns the London Metal Exchange … a Hong Kong company that is the main clearing house for …. CHINA.

Russia is going onto the Gold standard. Says since they will be removed from SWIFT, Europe can pay them in Gold. Either that or freeze. Oil could be triple last years prices. That would quickly exhaust available EU Gold supplies. When the physical hits critical short, all metals will rocket up. Silver has some massive short selling. That squeeze would crush some big banks.

McDonalds just gifted the Russians 850 restaurants.

Putin may be a psychopath … but he is also a fuking strategic genius.