What if suicide weekend is actually parents that made their kids get vaxxed and find out they have VAIDS now?
This would suck but just a thought I had thinking of Q posts…before I dream about the day this nightmare is over.
Sooo - why did the Military and CDC spend our $$$$ on fooling around with Zombie Apocalypse? PedoWeird has been quite prolific with Zombies as well. Just saying - but maybe it's more predictive programming.
What if our friends and loved ones stupidly took an injection, and that there were batches with large amounts of Graphene, and that they can now be remotely controlled? Or harmed to the point of Zombieification due to strong energy sources affecting cognitive ability?
You think Goverzilla and the kneepad media have turned your friends and family against you? Better hope this is me just spitballing 'cause the implications are FUCKED UP!
And the ones that figure out they are being remote controlled or Zombieified? SUICIDE!
Again the implications are FUCKED UP!
But I am hoping Suicide Weekend is just the bad people doing the rest of us a favor for once. Really, really hoping for THAT timeline.