"False Claims of U.S. Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon: The conspiracy theory has been boosted by Russian and Chinese media and diplomats."
See the flag? Q🚩

From Foreign Policy wiki:
They cannot stop losing! 🐸
Hillary Clinton is a walking disaster. Shes utterly worthless at anything she tries to do. Shes on the wrong side of every issue. Shes still clinging to the 1960’s womens lib mentality. The only reason she has any swing at all, is because of the position she’s in, surrounded by yes-men. She is an alcoholic. She verbally abuses her staff, talks to them as if they are less worthy than her.
Oh, and shes probably going to run for President in 2024, because of her own unjustifiably over-inflated opinion of herself
And dieing of kuru
I still wish I could un-see that shit stain on her pant suit.
Getty images are sketchy af
I say you she ded
She's 1960's feminist mixed with 1990's mafioso.
It has been her dream since she was little.