For whatever reason, this curiosity just popped to mind...
I've never been on 4chan, 8chan, or any of the sites OGQ started posting, but I'm guessing they're split up into subs like Reddit. If so, what sub was OGQ posting in?
This is the only Q/GAW site I visit, I'm not really a multiple sites kinda guy but rather like finding one site that fits each of my various interests I keep up on online. And fills the bill to a T!
Any OG Anons still here from back in the day, give a shout out!
The chans didn't really do subs, and many many people only ventured over to places like reddit after having seen it mentioned on the chans.
While on the subject, if you do go to the chans or 8kun always take safety precautions, use a VPN and never dox yourself. LURK before posting, study how to post before you do it, do not fill out the forms asking you for data. Just make your post, anonymously. But lurk first, it is safe to go lurk, use a VPN.
The sideboard here will take you over to 8kun, take a VPN and go see. Lurk.