At ten kilometers the average temperature is 100-200 Celsius/212-394 Fahrenheit. There is increased air pressure and gravity too. And no water. There are no known silicon or sulfur based life forms that are able to withstand such conditions, and certainly no carbon based ones frolicking in illicit pleasures. Where is all the equipment and air conditioning it would take to drill down that far to make the tiniest little room, let alone a worldwide system of tunnels? Surely there are some patents, some machinery makers, some fuel suppliers, who would have given us a clue.
I am willing to consider ancient aliens leaving tunnels built by robots that collapse occasionally (not that a tunnel collapse would make enough energy to record as an earthquake unless that tunnel was miles in diameter and hundreds f miles long), or buried Watchers kicking under the mountains placed to hold them down until Judgement day, but the fact that the USGS reports a lot of earthquakes now at 10 Km is no proof of anything at all. Their default used to be about 100 Km if they couldn't determine the depth. That would put a lot of earthquakes in the mantle layer, whereas 10 Km will put most of them in the rocky crust. Somehow I feel this has more relevance.
Not all dumbs are at 10km, some are at 3, 5, and 7km.
There are patents for tunnel boring machines that are nuclear in nature. I looked into it awhile back and it is a very interesting topic to research. Perhaps maybe you should research the questions you have, there is no shortage of info on the topic.
Oh, I am researching it. And noticing several interesting things about all the "info" on the topic and who is promoting it. I'm even making the effort to collate all these in a nice document, with archived links and a time line if it can be worked out. However, I do not in general doubt the existence of underground hidey-holes at all. This one is 12,000 years old and dug by hand.
Nor do I doubt that such a fantastic drilling machine would be a dream for mining or disposing or nuclear waste. Or ferreting out ancient reptilian overlords, although I still maintain that at those depths there are only going to be robots. These are the world's deepest mines: The deepest being 4 Km, but it was a big, obvious effort that would be noticed, not something that a lot of rich people could manage on the qt. Working in these mines is hellish. Imagine the ambient temperature being twice as much.
The confusion is the idea that human smugglers are going through these deep holes with kidnapped children to deep hideouts where life can only exist with airconditioning that would be even more amazing than a plasma borer. Why on earth would they do that? Every day people are found disappeared into ordinary basements. No need to go far away or use such equipment. The human powers that be aren't going to do that either. They might try to hide in places like Khazakhstan and put up a fuss if such a country was invaded, they aren't going to give up their comforts. The biggest such rich man's bunker I saw proposed some years ago had room for only a hundred people at most, and that was just a proposal someone was trying to get funded.
At ten kilometers the average temperature is 100-200 Celsius/212-394 Fahrenheit. There is increased air pressure and gravity too. And no water. There are no known silicon or sulfur based life forms that are able to withstand such conditions, and certainly no carbon based ones frolicking in illicit pleasures. Where is all the equipment and air conditioning it would take to drill down that far to make the tiniest little room, let alone a worldwide system of tunnels? Surely there are some patents, some machinery makers, some fuel suppliers, who would have given us a clue.
I am willing to consider ancient aliens leaving tunnels built by robots that collapse occasionally (not that a tunnel collapse would make enough energy to record as an earthquake unless that tunnel was miles in diameter and hundreds f miles long), or buried Watchers kicking under the mountains placed to hold them down until Judgement day, but the fact that the USGS reports a lot of earthquakes now at 10 Km is no proof of anything at all. Their default used to be about 100 Km if they couldn't determine the depth. That would put a lot of earthquakes in the mantle layer, whereas 10 Km will put most of them in the rocky crust. Somehow I feel this has more relevance.
Not all dumbs are at 10km, some are at 3, 5, and 7km.
There are patents for tunnel boring machines that are nuclear in nature. I looked into it awhile back and it is a very interesting topic to research. Perhaps maybe you should research the questions you have, there is no shortage of info on the topic.
Oh, I am researching it. And noticing several interesting things about all the "info" on the topic and who is promoting it. I'm even making the effort to collate all these in a nice document, with archived links and a time line if it can be worked out. However, I do not in general doubt the existence of underground hidey-holes at all. This one is 12,000 years old and dug by hand.
Nor do I doubt that such a fantastic drilling machine would be a dream for mining or disposing or nuclear waste. Or ferreting out ancient reptilian overlords, although I still maintain that at those depths there are only going to be robots. These are the world's deepest mines: The deepest being 4 Km, but it was a big, obvious effort that would be noticed, not something that a lot of rich people could manage on the qt. Working in these mines is hellish. Imagine the ambient temperature being twice as much.
The confusion is the idea that human smugglers are going through these deep holes with kidnapped children to deep hideouts where life can only exist with airconditioning that would be even more amazing than a plasma borer. Why on earth would they do that? Every day people are found disappeared into ordinary basements. No need to go far away or use such equipment. The human powers that be aren't going to do that either. They might try to hide in places like Khazakhstan and put up a fuss if such a country was invaded, they aren't going to give up their comforts. The biggest such rich man's bunker I saw proposed some years ago had room for only a hundred people at most, and that was just a proposal someone was trying to get funded.