I prefer to research? Hahaha. A libtards idea of research is perusing CNN and MSNBC articles.
Should have asked her when she said that "Oh so if you do your research you are aware that the US Embassy in Kiev deleted all reference to the biolabs from their website the day after news of biolabs was broke by Clandestine on Twitter? And have checked out the documents that are still available on archive.com?"
The reply to that, if you didnt recieve nothing but silence in response, would have been gold.
I prefer to research? Hahaha. A libtards idea of research is perusing CNN and MSNBC articles.
Should have asked her when she said that "Oh so if you do your research you are aware that the US Embassy in Kiev deleted all reference to the biolabs from their website the day after news of biolabs was broke by Clandestine on Twitter? And have checked out the documents that are still available on archive.com?"
The reply to that, if you didnt recieve nothing but silence in response, would have been gold.