The chemtrails have been ridiculous in my area today. I've seen hooks, Ss, Xs, tic tac toes, diamonds, helixes and enough planes flying at once to completely fill the whole eastern sky. This is insane. This is sick.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

I'm in south central PA. I've been sprayed on since 7 am.
I’m in Eastern Pa and I have the same. What freakin weather is coming???
South Jersey here, across from Philly, the sky was clear and sun was bright 8am. Went out around 10am and trials started. By 4pm, trails formed into clouds and sun was blocked by a haze.
Not certain what it is but condensation trails never stayed in the sky for more than an hour max and definitely never formed clouds.
Does anyone recall if this was happening during Trump's time on office?
Would be nice to get some drones to capture samples.
In the last few years, have recorded pics over time travelling between ny and the west coast. During trumps time in office, I have seen these patterns, however less than the prior presidency. If you watch the clouds over a few minutes, you may notice that the trails will start to have a pattern of a comb. Wait further and you can view basically how the process works. It is almost as if canisters are released in the trails to expand sideways.