Frustration, anger, heartache, fury... And every good, innocent person that gets harmed or killed by these beasts (like gwb in this video) is like more salt in the wound, more fuel on the fire. Your memories of your losses gnaw at your very soul, of course, because if you knew then what you now know you would not have been participating. As I've told many people, you warriors (vets and current) deserve the respect and honor for your courage, bravery, good intentions and inner fortitude regardless of what the scum-sucking politicians and other DS beasts have set into motion.
These beasts have killed millions, perhaps billions, of good, decent people over the centuries and for perhaps the first time ever we have the ability to shine the light on them and expose this evil. They will be ended or at least beaten back underground for decades to come. Your child(ren) will have a much better world to grow up and thrive in, your grandchildren after them.
You've gone through a storm that has personally cost you dearly, but you've survived. And now you see and understand, have developed a clearer perspective. Let your history be a source of strength for you, experiences that forge you into a stronger person. You can also, in the future, share some of your perspectives with others, and I hope you will. Your friends in the military who lost their earthly lives live on in your heart and the hearts of their other loved ones - with all the honor, friendship and love they've earned from their time on this earth. I do believe that many people, yourself included, were led here for a reason.
I know this is taking a long time to "resolve" as we all want this horrible worldwide situation to have ended a long time ago, good people the world over to have their suffering ended, the perpetrators in the ground and suffering the Lord's vengeance for an eternity, but the tide has turned and matters need to be taken care of strategically. The people on the front lines of dismantling this heinous web of terror have all the details; we don't.
Finally, as several others here have suggested, bring your agony to God and ask Him for His grace and peace. The times that I've beseeched Him during overwhelming turmoil in my life He has graced me with an almost unfathomable inner peace. I wish the same for you, friend. May God bless you and comfort you in your time of inner turmoil. 🙏✝️✨
Thank you for the kind and heartfelt words, fren. I teared up just reading them, but you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. I do what I do know for my own grand kiddos. I have two grand sons now. And I refuse to let them inherit a shit hole if I have anything to say over the matter, which, we all do.
I'm not sure why I wrote what I did this morning, other than that I was hurting as all those emotions and memories cam flooding back with a vengeance.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, anon. If you ever find yourself in Central FL, DM me, as I'd like to meet you in person. Your words truly helped me here, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
I'm glad I could help. I hate to see/hear good people going through hardship and stress. This is an incredibly difficult time period to be going through, just knowing what we do and seeing what's going on around us, with our loved ones and even good people halfway across the world. I wouldn't trade it for the comfort of ignorance. For the first time so many things finally make sense. If we can keep our cool/patience, be prepared if called upon to act and survive the coming storm, we're going to witness a most amazing, positive transformation of this country and this world into something that's beyond what we've experienced to date. God wants me here on this site at this period in history for a reason and He wants you and many others here as well. We'll get through this. Have faith.
Frustration, anger, heartache, fury... And every good, innocent person that gets harmed or killed by these beasts (like gwb in this video) is like more salt in the wound, more fuel on the fire. Your memories of your losses gnaw at your very soul, of course, because if you knew then what you now know you would not have been participating. As I've told many people, you warriors (vets and current) deserve the respect and honor for your courage, bravery, good intentions and inner fortitude regardless of what the scum-sucking politicians and other DS beasts have set into motion.
These beasts have killed millions, perhaps billions, of good, decent people over the centuries and for perhaps the first time ever we have the ability to shine the light on them and expose this evil. They will be ended or at least beaten back underground for decades to come. Your child(ren) will have a much better world to grow up and thrive in, your grandchildren after them.
You've gone through a storm that has personally cost you dearly, but you've survived. And now you see and understand, have developed a clearer perspective. Let your history be a source of strength for you, experiences that forge you into a stronger person. You can also, in the future, share some of your perspectives with others, and I hope you will. Your friends in the military who lost their earthly lives live on in your heart and the hearts of their other loved ones - with all the honor, friendship and love they've earned from their time on this earth. I do believe that many people, yourself included, were led here for a reason.
I know this is taking a long time to "resolve" as we all want this horrible worldwide situation to have ended a long time ago, good people the world over to have their suffering ended, the perpetrators in the ground and suffering the Lord's vengeance for an eternity, but the tide has turned and matters need to be taken care of strategically. The people on the front lines of dismantling this heinous web of terror have all the details; we don't.
Finally, as several others here have suggested, bring your agony to God and ask Him for His grace and peace. The times that I've beseeched Him during overwhelming turmoil in my life He has graced me with an almost unfathomable inner peace. I wish the same for you, friend. May God bless you and comfort you in your time of inner turmoil. 🙏✝️✨
Thank you for the kind and heartfelt words, fren. I teared up just reading them, but you are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. I do what I do know for my own grand kiddos. I have two grand sons now. And I refuse to let them inherit a shit hole if I have anything to say over the matter, which, we all do.
I'm not sure why I wrote what I did this morning, other than that I was hurting as all those emotions and memories cam flooding back with a vengeance.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart, anon. If you ever find yourself in Central FL, DM me, as I'd like to meet you in person. Your words truly helped me here, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
I'm glad I could help. I hate to see/hear good people going through hardship and stress. This is an incredibly difficult time period to be going through, just knowing what we do and seeing what's going on around us, with our loved ones and even good people halfway across the world. I wouldn't trade it for the comfort of ignorance. For the first time so many things finally make sense. If we can keep our cool/patience, be prepared if called upon to act and survive the coming storm, we're going to witness a most amazing, positive transformation of this country and this world into something that's beyond what we've experienced to date. God wants me here on this site at this period in history for a reason and He wants you and many others here as well. We'll get through this. Have faith.