posted ago by changeagent ago by changeagent +31 / -0

They have become so desperate that my neighbor stopped going to Subway for her routine "Saturday sandwich" because Subway has not suspended doing business in Russia!

That's how badly she wants to be part of something bigger than herself.

I said to her, "That's stupid."

It got me wondering about the concept of virtue-signaling. I think people do it (often without realizing it) because they want to identify with something that is perceived as good. First, why don't they realize they are doing it (and for those who are doing it consciously, they need serious help)? Second, what is it that they are missing or yearning for that results in the need to attach oneself to the positive flavor of the day and then proclaim it in various ways? (Yes, most have abandoned God, and that choice has led to the current state of affairs)

These questions say a lot about the hollowness of our culture and how easily manipulated people can be when they are living in such a hollowed-out culture.

Deep down, people generally want to belong to something bigger than them. Not everyone. But most. What is worthy of belonging to? And, how can a person overcome the divisiveness that social media, MSM and the education system have fostered, such that they satisfy that need for belonging?

The Great Awakening will result in something worthy of belonging to, and maybe then will those who are needy and thus have a higher propensity to virtue-signal start to see things realistically again.

And my neighbor will get to go to Subway again.