Archiving DNS global mapping?
Aside from potentially pragmatic reasons that are rather evident, has anyone seen any downloadable global IP to hostnames map database or flat file archives?
Yes, it would be large and by some standards enormous, but a compressed archive would make it reasonable.
There are various DNS history sites, so some form of this is already being done, but it seems as though there should be an open sourced project for this since this kind of information and history is invaluable for research and other things as well.
You are right, it would be absolutely enormous
I am extremely interested though...
I think a lot of folks kind of laugh when they saw this, but they don't realize just how highly compressible this is, especially if sorted by subnet. If kept on a compressible filesystem (NTFS, ZFS, etc) it could prove tenable. Furthermore a fork of a DNS server that uses a localized database and continually mirrors from zones - and also keeping the contents compressed, which is already done by all standard RDBMS, would be doable.