We just had a sudden wind/snowstorm hit in Alberta seemingly out of nowhere. Not necessarily out of the ordinary but when I checked windy.com to see what was going on out there I noticed that there seem to be intense winds all over the planet right now. A storm in every ocean, multiple storms in some. 80-120km/h winds all over..
Is this normal? What the haarp is going on here?
We had horrendous gales in England recently, most of my neighbour's fencing was reduced to kindling, huge panels blow down. Never known anything like it, not normal. I was thankful I had a huge eucalyptus tree taken down before it hit, dread to think what might have happened if that came down. Geoengineering is real.
I have family in Calgary, whereabouts are you?
Calgary as well. Do you have family working in law enforcement by any chance? Most of our city police are Brits.. It's kind of funny.