BREAKING: Hunter Biden Laptop Contains Multiple Department Of Defense ‘Encryption Keys’ With Twenty Plus Year Expiration Dates To Allow Holder Access To DoD Databases
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I could see the Q team making Hunter a sweetheart deal if he turns on the old man. Imagine the conversation - "so we're letting Hunter walk with a slap on the wrist?" - "If he turns in the laptop, sure. But don't say anything about his other indiscretions, or Chyna, or Ukraine. We'll let that work itself out after we have what we need."
As bad as everything is on HB laptop, imagine what was on Weiner’s laptop.
Besides his wiener?
I would like to say I can't, but unfortunately ran into some SciFy/Fantasy books (back when work required some travel) that were very imaginative, but horrible. I picked them up cheap in a used bookstore (I had no idea), and ended up throwing them in the trash rather than passing them along to someone else. No, I didn't finish them, but I read enough. It was enough to ruin the genre for me. I pretty much stick to history now, unless I reread something for entertainment. I have a feeling some of what people write about is based in reality, and not just "fiction".
Between the cartoon and the narrative description of frazzledrip, I know what the video is. Real or not, shit like that exists.