posted ago by y000danon ago by y000danon +27 / -0

So to break down why VanwaTech is Significant - that’s a very long dig I can disclose if anyone has interest. With technical postsI tend to see very little traction here.

  1. 8chan used Colocated Servers spread across a 20 x 1U server farm. CodeMonkey had the site running across a cluster with a database backend spread across this cluster. ( posts were made showing the servers being moved during the month of downtime before Jim Watkins testified before Congressional Committee ( closed door - no details )

  2. Q did multiple Q&A appearances that were largely meant to drastically increase traffic on 8chan. The CloudFlare network was tested & performance measured - more than once the outcome was entire segments of the CloudFlare CDN Network going offline. This was not offline in the context of only 8chan - the outages affected multiple CDN clients using CloudFlare ( included where i work ). During a late phase of these Q&A sessions - we saw the shooting blamed on 8chan and CloudFlare about-face and deplatform 8chan citing shooting. This was not a minor thing for CloudFlare. It violated Standard Uptime Agreements and forced renegotiations with many other clients concerned about free speech.

  3. 8Kun comes back using VanwaTech as a CDN. VanwaTech rumored to host within Spartan Host https://spartanhost.org/ . From our side we watched Larger DDoS attacks take place than during the previous attacks on 8chan. What was more - the CDN was literally tracking routes through the DoD network subnet of ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_assigned_/8_IPv4_address_blocks Lists as DoD Intel Networks ) That’s not random chance. The number of hops? 17. How did a previously unknown VanwaTech suddenly handle attacks with a volume larger than CloudFlare, a MAJOR PROVIDER, could not handle? This doesn’t add up.

  4. Who is VanwaTech? Run by Nick Lam - it’s leveraging a Russian Company called DDoS Guard that we know was routing w DoD networks . That’s - extremely interesting. The routing was temporary in the early stagings of 8Kun network deployment. https://news.netcraft.com/archives/2020/10/23/exploring-8chans-hosting-infrastructure.html

  5. Direct Investigation. You can obtain a free VanwaTech OpenVPN profile to use as you wish. For 5$/mo you can also obtain a VPN “Account” that is billed monthly. Thing is - the paid VPN accounts Do Not Authenticate. By this I mean, literally, the OpenVPN profiles provided by VanwaTech do not authenticate the user. They work - they just don’t require login. They also are not user-based. Literally you can share the profiles around and anyone can use them. Not exactly a business model, right?

  6. This next part I have to be very careful about. I have methods of obtaining more information about VanwaTech and looked into the operating business license. I called repeatedly at random times. I believe Nick Lam is a cutout persona. Several Nick Lam characters of differing voices, statures, have been observed.


I believe VanwaTech is a cutout company. To what affect I do not know - but I do intend to deploy a Hosting Service and approach VanwaTech for CDN services. Once I have a deployment in place I can truly investigate capabilities & likewise “Carry the Torch” that I believe White Hats set up for us. Why? People can talk mess about Q all they want - the core of all of this, us being here, The Great Awakening - Information Freedom. Q has cited John Perry Barlow, Assange, Snowden. If you failed to familiarize w Barlow please take the time to read Barlow’s A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace ( https://archive.ph/JNQqi ):

We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.

In the United States, you have today created a law, the Telecommunications Reform Act, which repudiates your own Constitution and insults the dreams of Jefferson, Washington, Mill, Madison, DeToqueville, and Brandeis. These dreams must now be born anew in us.

This is about freedom to push Information. We can reduce these ideas to meme-fodder - we can’t let go of obtaining our capacity to protect ourselves & ideas from spreading online.

As such I wanted to disclose this information to this site as I have been uneasy with the ownership of this website and it’s use of CloudFlare.

CloudFlare has proven to NOT be of our mindset. Thus using CloudFlare as the CDN for greatawakening.win is suspect, far from ideal, and opens all of your metadata to any and all capacities for collection that CloudFlare & the apparatus behind it. Be Weary if this - practice OPSEC / CYBERSEC at all times.