posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +20 / -0

Heavenly Father we love you so much. You constantly amaze us with your love, mercy and grace. We have turned from you every step of the way, yet you still are here with us. Help us each turn from our wicked ways, back to you in new ways. Let us feel your presence every moment of every day. Thank you so much for this site. Many of us would be so lost if it werent for Scored(.win) you have brought an amazing group of people together in such a beautiful special way. We may feel like outcast in the world, yet when we come here we find true family and frens. Continue to build us up both individually and as a group. Forgive us for our many sins and wash them away with the blood of Jesus Christ. We give you this whole site and knell before your throne. Let the light that you have built up here carry over to the world so that the world may begin healing in ways never seen before. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

This thread is for anyone needing prayer, wanting to say a prayer, or just want a friend to talk to.

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