From Praying Medic: " . . . The frantic rush to destroy society and usher in the Great Reset is evidence that they [Cabal] know they don't have much time. . . . They're racing against the clock. They [Cabal] know Trump is coming back. And with his return comes the storm that will destroy them."

Agree , basically it’s his job , he works to bring news , hope ! He educates ..not everyone needs to hear it, some or most on here probably already know what he brings to the table ! But he’s made it his job to help awake or educate people as I said above ...he can’t do this if he doesn’t get paid and no one is being forced to pay him , you can listen for free, if you want. For Gods sake even DJT asks for money and sells stuff no one is calling him a pay triot ..listen if you want , support him if you want, or don’t, but don’t begrudge someone making a buck. Thank God there’s people out there trying to wake people , we need all the help we can get ..full disclosure..I don’t know who he is and if I heard anything from him it was someone posting his stuff on here ! I’m just a fan of capitalism! There’s a lot of people making millions hurting people, I don’t think he’s hurting people, I’m sure he wants America saved, DJT back and the DS dead like the rest of us !