Hello there. I’m a nobody, just frequent visitor. I hope this message reaches many because I’m posting this in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I’ve undergone a profound spiritual reawakening since early February, I’ll spare you the details, but what’s important is that it’s taken me to these truths which I implore you to consider over the coming days:
God loves all of us… Yes. All of us. Even the very souls we profess to hate. Instead of hoping for their damnation, pray for their conversion to God, for even the most wicked in history have repented in their last hour, and been saved. The Lord desires salvation, let us pray for the salvation of all souls, good and bad, and pray for God’s justice, instead, for He is fully capable of judging accordingly. Forgiveness is a virtue.
Repentance is a colon cleanse of the soul (teehee). Do not do as I did, and become lost in repentance—feelings of guilt and anxiety can manifest after we’ve taken an honest inventory of our shortcomings. But bringing those transgressions to the Lord allows us to encounter His mercy, and then move on to become better and better people. This can begin a lifelong routine of repentance, the fruits of which become more and more clear over time.
I’ve now tried to begin emptying my will, and asking God for His will to be done through me. I’m still a very imperfect human, having to remind myself of this constantly. But this has ironically given me MORE freedom than it has “burdened me with the need to obey a higher authority.” I now gladly serve the Lord, so that those I speak to know that I do so in His love.
There are significant, Biblical dates (I know according to western calendars, dates change over time, etc.) approaching in the coming weeks. This will not by any means be the end, but this will begin the mass awakening we have all been praying for. I’m so fucking excited for all of us, excuse my language. I well up with tears of joy thinking of the moment we here, in particular, are about to experience. Pray for this moment, and meditate on it with the Lord, and thank Him for what will soon transpire. We have endured quite a bit mentally, emotionally, spiritually, maybe even physically for some of you patriots (as Christ did.) Pray for the death and resurrection of public consciousness soon to come, and may God have mercy on all of us.
Love your friends and family, and make peace wherever possible. Thanks be to God! They will see God’s peace manifesting within you. Pray for the well-being of your ancestors and friends who’ve gone before you, as they bless you in observance from Heaven. Say hello and introduce yourself to your guardian angel, if you haven’t done so already, and thank them for their continued protection. Allow the Holy Spirit to stir within you as you meditate on these truths.
04/10/2022 - Palm Sunday In Luke 19:41 as Jesus approaches Jerusalem, he looks at the city and weeps over it, foretelling his coming Passion and the suffering that awaits the city in the events of the destruction of the Second Temple.
04/15/2022 - Good Friday/Passover John 19:26-27, “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” Learning more about the Mother of God, the mother of Jesus, brings so much spiritual healing. Learn the Hail Mary and/or pray the Rosary.
04/17/2022 - Easter Matthew 28 18-21, “Jesus came up and spoke to them. He said, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.’”
04/20/2022 - 4:20pm many unknowingly participate in an arcane ritual that worships time and matter. If you partake in ganja smoking, consider denying yourself the urge at that very minute to observe the blessings of God, instead, who has made it possible for you to even appreciate this natural, healing plant placed here on Earth. Or even better, fast from smoking on this day. Let us not allow evil to hijack that which was placed here on Earth to be a gift for us. And let us remain vigilant and steadfast in having the discipline to utilize this blessing wisely and to our benefit, rather than creating a habit in which we lose possession of ourselves. It may be a necessary remedy for many in the near future, to help cope with the dark realities that they’ll have little time to process.
04/24/2022 - Orthodox Easter (See above 04/17/2022; Orthodox celebrated worldwide, also, including Russia.)
That’s all I have. Again, I am nobody. I only post this at the urging of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps someone out there will find meaning or comfort in this message. God bless, and see you in the other side.
Peace out.
You're welcome. This site is sadly ripe with Catholic and Orthodox hatred. It is what it is, and I've given up trying to convince any of these people. They will meet Jesus one day and have to explain why they hated His own mother. Jesus isn't going to take that lightly.