My loss? 🤯 My son is an intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful young man. Does not drink or do drugs, volunteered at the local senior center doing community outreach during the plandemic. He also works with a middle-aged autistic African American man, helping him with daily tasks and his love of photography. Graduated from college with honors with a degree in photography and video.
Quoting the Bible is always funny when you always ignore several key points, and it's even funnier when the quotes have literally no relevance.
Love your neighbor and let him be the ultimate judge.
Take your Bible thumping elsewhere. That behavior is not only destructive to our movement, it is entirely contrary to the teachings of your so-called religion.
Interestingly -- and most amusingly -- if you believe your role is to preach and spread God's will to others so that they see the light, you are actually doing Satan's work by turning many away.
For one, the false doctrine of eternal torment isn't Biblical. You ought to know that and about the ministry of reconciliation that Paul shouted from the rooftops.
Does Hell exist? Sure does. You're in it as we speak. It's not somewhere we go but the situation that we're all born into. It's a present reality where those who continue to misrepresent God are going to stay along with those in the world. Ignorance, darkness, failure, loss, disconnection from the source of life, regret, DELUSION, confusion and confoundedness...all symptoms of Hell indeed. It's the very opposite of that which His children were promised.
Listen carefully, poser: Jesus Christ shed His blood to save ALL men in the fullness of time. He will claim that which He purchased. The lake of fire is for correction unto repentance and not condemnation for all-time. Lucky for you, He'll eventually save your sorry ass with everyone else. Read your Bible again, this time with far more diligence.
Btw, Jesus had some things to say concerning this guy's kid and your spiritual ancestors (the Pharisees). He basically told them that this gay kid would enter the kingdom before they ever would.
I'm glad to hear that, I can't stand them either. There are many, many gay conservatives that the woke does NOT represent. A silent majority of gays? IDK but there are many and lumping them in with these rainbow flag wearing idiots is not right.
My son was never left unattended with adults, how rude of you to assume, he is gay because of that. Both of my sons attended a small K-8 parochial school 2 blocks from my house. I volunteered there on a weekly basis. My other son is straight. As my gay son says, the least interesting thing about me is that I'm gay.
Gay or straight or whatever people are is nothing more than a piece of a person. I served in the military when gay people were not allowed to say that they were gay. We all knew who were different from the usual orientation, but nobody cared. They were there to do a job and serve their Country. I'll say it again, NO ONE CARED about their personal sex life or orientation. It wasn't appropriate to discuss in a place of work about anyone's personal sex life, except for a few people that liked to overshare. I see a lot of Christians condemning homosexuality. I am a Christian, but I concentrate far less on the Old Testament and focus on the New Covenant through Jesus' teachings. We are NOT to judge. This is God's right. Do not judge and do not cast judgement. You don't have to love them sexually, but you must love them as a neighbor and as a sibling under God. It really is that simple. Now when they try to throw it in your face, a simple statement about TMI and boundaries in polite society. If they do not relent, explain that it is insensitive to your feelings and that you are beginning to feel persecuted. If they still do not relent, leave from their presence and never return. There is no more for you to do. If you must come into their presence again, ignore them and explain to others that he was insensitive to your feelings and you are no longer willing to tolerate oppression or persecution, so you refuse to engage. This has worked superbly well in the past for me. It is completely diplomatic and allows you to maintain your dignity and personal rights. Never get over excited or loud, put everything in calm logical statements and carry on.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind these studying these verses from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 then:
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
If you really loved your neighbor, wouldn't you warn them that homosexuality is a sin punishable with eternal torment?
My 23 year old gay son can't stand these types of fags. He thinks they're a detriment to the gay community
I’ll pray for your son to awaken from “the world”. We are not people of this world. We are children of God.
sorry for your loss
My loss? 🤯 My son is an intelligent, compassionate and thoughtful young man. Does not drink or do drugs, volunteered at the local senior center doing community outreach during the plandemic. He also works with a middle-aged autistic African American man, helping him with daily tasks and his love of photography. Graduated from college with honors with a degree in photography and video.
Sorry for the retards.
Quoting the Bible is always funny when you always ignore several key points, and it's even funnier when the quotes have literally no relevance.
Love your neighbor and let him be the ultimate judge.
Take your Bible thumping elsewhere. That behavior is not only destructive to our movement, it is entirely contrary to the teachings of your so-called religion.
Interestingly -- and most amusingly -- if you believe your role is to preach and spread God's will to others so that they see the light, you are actually doing Satan's work by turning many away.
For one, the false doctrine of eternal torment isn't Biblical. You ought to know that and about the ministry of reconciliation that Paul shouted from the rooftops.
Does Hell exist? Sure does. You're in it as we speak. It's not somewhere we go but the situation that we're all born into. It's a present reality where those who continue to misrepresent God are going to stay along with those in the world. Ignorance, darkness, failure, loss, disconnection from the source of life, regret, DELUSION, confusion and confoundedness...all symptoms of Hell indeed. It's the very opposite of that which His children were promised.
Listen carefully, poser: Jesus Christ shed His blood to save ALL men in the fullness of time. He will claim that which He purchased. The lake of fire is for correction unto repentance and not condemnation for all-time. Lucky for you, He'll eventually save your sorry ass with everyone else. Read your Bible again, this time with far more diligence.
Btw, Jesus had some things to say concerning this guy's kid and your spiritual ancestors (the Pharisees). He basically told them that this gay kid would enter the kingdom before they ever would.
Consider your ways.
The folks like you who claim to know the Lord by tossing bible verses around, know him not. I know plenty of people like you
I'm glad to hear that, I can't stand them either. There are many, many gay conservatives that the woke does NOT represent. A silent majority of gays? IDK but there are many and lumping them in with these rainbow flag wearing idiots is not right.
my 2 best friends are a gay couple and they say the same xD
there's gays and then there's faggots
My gay son feels the exact same way
Who was your sons school teachers? Where did you leave him unattended with adults?
My son was never left unattended with adults, how rude of you to assume, he is gay because of that. Both of my sons attended a small K-8 parochial school 2 blocks from my house. I volunteered there on a weekly basis. My other son is straight. As my gay son says, the least interesting thing about me is that I'm gay.
Gay or straight or whatever people are is nothing more than a piece of a person. I served in the military when gay people were not allowed to say that they were gay. We all knew who were different from the usual orientation, but nobody cared. They were there to do a job and serve their Country. I'll say it again, NO ONE CARED about their personal sex life or orientation. It wasn't appropriate to discuss in a place of work about anyone's personal sex life, except for a few people that liked to overshare. I see a lot of Christians condemning homosexuality. I am a Christian, but I concentrate far less on the Old Testament and focus on the New Covenant through Jesus' teachings. We are NOT to judge. This is God's right. Do not judge and do not cast judgement. You don't have to love them sexually, but you must love them as a neighbor and as a sibling under God. It really is that simple. Now when they try to throw it in your face, a simple statement about TMI and boundaries in polite society. If they do not relent, explain that it is insensitive to your feelings and that you are beginning to feel persecuted. If they still do not relent, leave from their presence and never return. There is no more for you to do. If you must come into their presence again, ignore them and explain to others that he was insensitive to your feelings and you are no longer willing to tolerate oppression or persecution, so you refuse to engage. This has worked superbly well in the past for me. It is completely diplomatic and allows you to maintain your dignity and personal rights. Never get over excited or loud, put everything in calm logical statements and carry on.
Thank you, bro.
I'm sure you wouldn't mind these studying these verses from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 then:
"Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor HOMOSEXUALS, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
If you really loved your neighbor, wouldn't you warn them that homosexuality is a sin punishable with eternal torment?
I think you should look in the mirror and take a close look at yourself. I'm sure you're also a sinner, let God be the judge