Congress bought all the Lithium stocks. A bunch of European politicians and Cabal as well.
Congress pushes bills that subsidize electric cars which all use Lithium Ion batteries and tries to increase the price of oil artificially to make these cars more attractive. In addition, a bunch of countries in Europe claim they will phase out fossil fuel cars completely over the next 10 years.
The world supply of Lithium is limited. As a result, profits.
Here is probably what happened.
Congress bought all the Lithium stocks. A bunch of European politicians and Cabal as well.
Congress pushes bills that subsidize electric cars which all use Lithium Ion batteries and tries to increase the price of oil artificially to make these cars more attractive. In addition, a bunch of countries in Europe claim they will phase out fossil fuel cars completely over the next 10 years.
The world supply of Lithium is limited. As a result, profits.
Once this scam pays off. Rinse and repeat.
Was going to comment this - circularly creating the demand through subsidizing and pushing electric cars. Similar supply + yuge demand = PROFIT!
Great outline for how things always go.
Futures, prove past fraud?
motherfuckers. who knows what else they do
I hope they do cobalt next. I have cobalr