To get into the cryptocurrency game in most cases (unless you do a person-to-person swap of cash-for-crypto or buy crypto at a crypto ATM) you have to move cash from the banking system into one of the numerous cryptocurrency exchanges such as Binance, Coinbase or Kracken. You establish an account with the crypto exchange and give them your banking information and then authorize the move of cash from your bank into your chosen cryptocurrency exchange. A cryptocurrency exchange is a warehouse for cryptocurrency. That means those funds have to go into one of the bays in the warehouse named for a specific cryptocurrency. Of course when moving cash, you want your money to go into something ‘stable’ before you choose which crypto(s) you actually want to own. That landing pad, 9 times out of 10 times in these exchanges is Tether (typically known on your exchange as USDT).
. . . The real question that I am raising today (I’m not the only one by the way) is: Does Tether fulfill the definition and expectation of a ‘StableCoin’, or does it fall short to the detriment, disservice and handicap of investors, banks and even the worldwide economic system?
. . . Do you see just how easy this devaluation of a ‘StableCoin’ can happen? How close are we to revelations about the fate of the mammoth Tether? Are we on the precipice of a major monetary collapse because of the deception of one company intricately intertwined in world markets? Deception is -never- a trait worth considering when contemplating where to put your money. Tremendous counter-party risk exists generally in the financial markets today. Only tangible assets (bought with no leverage) that you take possession of may save you from counter-party risk. You have been presented some information today and now the choice is up to you.
Bitcoin is still a good thing to accumulate. Just do it properly. Be patient. Watch for final dip which should be a measured move from the last top to last low. Currently in a bear flag. Accumulate silver and platinum then when you cash out, move those profits into gold and bitcoin. Wait, profit, swap back. Repeat for your whole life. Plaing the gold/silver ratio alone and never putting money into the stock market will have had you beat the S&P 500 over time with way less risk and you have no counterparty risk either since you hold the thing you own.