While I am for a capitalistic free and fair market, look what power and greed lead to (Amazon, Walmart, investment firms, Airlines, legal, and anything else “Big 4” or “Big 6”). One may argue that “large companies have the manpower to innovate” true, but so does an open source platform… probably more efficient and less bureaucratic that way as well. Or “big companies do work in bulk thus making products cheaper or more efficiently” true, though that comes with a price. The price being push out the small guys because the big company can do it cheaper. But when does this “cost and resource saving” efficiency cut into quality? All for an extra raise for the few within the company?
Decentralization would allow for EVERYONE to compete fairly without one single entity holding controls
Open source allows for EVERYONE to help improve and reduces back end fuckery with transparency.
I believe this is why some governments HATE crypto. I also believe that this is the way of the future. Disagree?? State your objections.
And it will never be left free if a limited number of corporations control all aspects if industry. This is why anti-tust laws came to be during the industrial revolution. It's not "free" if corps control everything. Then it becomes tyranny under Amazon, for example.
I agree with less regulatory fees and such for small business. I can see the wisdom in leaving certain aspects of the economy alone. We tried the "free" market. It almost resulted in the tyrannical state of Carnegie. Some regulations, such as worker's rights and a true meritocracy that forbids corruption and politically motivated decisions are necessary if you want to see a truly thriving economy and a happy society.
But we're not going to get there if we keep shilling for a broken, corrupt system that is designed to grind the human spirit into dust. Whatever system we want to run, it will mean nothing without maximum transparency and tough anti-corruption laws that carry the death penalty. I was like you once, then I saw the "COVID relief" bills that kicked 9% to We The People, the rest to big corps that got to stay open during the scamdemic, and fuck all to small business. This system is not worth fighting for. We need to unite behind economic change. We can worry about particulars when we take back control.